This is my first game ever made.

Made for the Piratesoftware game jam 1.15 Shadows and Alchemy

*Ive patched game and listened to feedback*

Rated 2.8 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)


GDD DESIGN.pdf 938 kB

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I called my game for the jam shadows follow, I hope that's not a problem, btw congratulations on making a 3d game I think it is realy cool.

thats fine i dont mind on the name its just a random two  words from the dictionary that follow  the theme haha.... Thankyou ! My next game will be even bette


I really like the idea, and it worked well enough that I could play to the end with all the potions found.

However, the game could use a bit more visual cues as to what I'm actually doing. Unless I am completely mistaken, there's nothing hinting at what is the right shadow, so what could be a challenging puzzle game kind of turned into "run around every object until you stumble upon the correct one" for me. Which was still enjoyable, but it was less of a game than it could have been in that regard.

Thankyou i will take that in for my next game that i go to make! Means a lot.. Thankyou for taking the time to play it and leave a comment

Good for a first game. Your player controller is very broken though. It feels a little janky, and you can get an insane speed boost if you sprint and crouch. Also be sure you have the rights to use the music at the end lol it still has the anti piracy text to speech voice part in it. Other than that good work, the environment looks good.

thankyou so much! Will be changing the music now.. :))

Player Controller Fixed Hopefully...

Changged music around. Changelog found in my game info but yeh fixed it hopefully


good game, my only problem with it is that the last area confused me with the flickering torches, i thought i had to stand underneath one of the torches to get the door to open and did not think i would have to just walk into the door to open it


i see  what you mean... Ill make a sign that the player can see! Thankyou for the feedback! 


changed end zone so that player knows what to do now. Theres an is trigger zone so when you get to the end youll be promted on what to do


I played for a few rooms and gotta say, i really like the idea of standing in the correct shadows :) But solely collection potions feels like a needless point system, i dunno? maybe make it so you collect ingredients for your neyt alchemy recipe?

ps: laggs quite a bit, and i don't think the music is licensed for commercial use?

I’ll change the music just to be sure. 👍 Thankyou for playing I will keep tryna optimise it


lags a lot. have you added texture culling? also cant move at all

nah ill look into that now....


Fixed now how is that? Give it a a shot hah

laggs a lot less.  still freezes at loading points. the last area still has the "music licensing re imagined" and "" watermarks. the objective is more clear now that its not on a wall. the "shadow" is still the exact same texture as normal objects. how are you supposed to figure out which is which ? i was just slaming into every object that i saw.

haha true I could change that up couldn’t I… I’ll see what I can do to make it different 


Okay so great work  with completing your first game, alot of elements are actually pretty cool for a first game and deserve a mention. First off though I just want to mention a few things that can improve the game... the FOV is a bit weird and feels way to zoomed in. Go to the main camera and change the FOV or the sizing. The second would be the explanation  try to add more hints about the objective of the game. Throughout the game I would randomly run into objects just to test if they were the key. 

Great work on the WebGL export, updating ui elements and music. Most first games don't have these so good work. 

There are still 10 days remaining, keep going with the project work on polish and improving the game feel. 

Good luck! 

Thankyou so much! The zoomed in thing is probably coz i have a zoom button which is one of the mouse buttons but what ill do is remove that tonight and then put a patch up in the morning.. .but thankyou means a lot. Im severely new to ui making so like its tough for me but learning as i go aha... keen to polish things here and there haha... thankyou for the feedback!!! :))

alright patched out zoom as it makes no sense in  my game! Hopefully that's better haha.. :)) If not ill make sure its optimized in my next game. :))

Made a lot of changes today give it another try!! :))


Nice game!

Made a lot of changes today give it another try!! :))


doors after the level with cactus do not block the player, if you pass the room with cactus further you can pass through the doors without activating shadows

HAHA nice didnt even realise haha. Thankyou for that haha 

ive patched the door issue. Had two scipts attatched to the doors that didnt need to be there! Thankyou for the feedback

Made a lot of changes today give it another try!! :))

If you find the game to be extremely laggy switch accelerated gpu on in your browser, might help...

well, i somehow beat the game. it was very laggy, i still do not understand why making a table slam me into the door opens it. i have no idea why the so called "shadows" move like in a top down game WHILE the player is moving in an fps fashion. the only mechanic that actually worked and was kinda fun were the potions. also the music in the last area still has a watermark witch is always funny. overall rating 4/10,"its a game i guess."

thankyou man. It's my first game ever made it ran fine in unity but when built had a few issues. Probably should have optimized it better somehow. Still have yet to learn how to do that


no problem). its the 3d. 3d  is nearly always slow in browser. 


ive patched it. Environment doesnt move and doors are fixed to work when finding shadow and not just opening on player walking up to it.

i tried to grab the potion and the cactus made me fall out of bounds.

stuck in first area. how do i leave thru the door? what is a "correct shadow"?

find the shadow of the correct cactus.

(1 edit)

hopefully that helps

are the cacti supposed to move when i move?

Cactus?  I noticed the cactus when I started, and they moved when I moved, and then several seconds later they all passed through walls and I never saw them again.

yeh realised i probably should have made it so that they get stuck on the walls instead of passing through them

Ive patched game to work differently environment wont move now. :))

Made a lot of changes today give it another try!! :))

Made a lot of changes today give it another try!! :))